

Iqa 1st tyme @ Funland..

Posted by Posted by HM Only On 6/02/2009 08:50:00 AM

Isnin, 1hb Jun 2009: Salam & gud morning all.. This is the story about iqa's 1st tyme @ Funland, Hua Ho Petani Mall, Tutong. Actually kami kan bawa iya ke ABDB's Funfair on the 31st May. but since we were out movie-ing with Liz, Khair & Zamie liat ceta "NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2" until 3.30pm pas tu nyambung makan lagi arh CA Mohammad Yayasan so ter"extend" tah masa atu till 4.30pm. Kan ke Funfair atu nda lagi sampat cuz abisnya pkl 5ptg aja. so sia-siapun lah iqa....

The next day nya, inda jua kami sampai hati cuz kami udah berjanji arah iqa yang kami kan bawa iya arah somewhere fun. kami mesti jua kotakan apa yg kami janjihi kdia. Moral: walaupun iqa inda paham apa maksud janji, setiap janji mesti di tunaikan semusabah mungkin (di didik dari damit lah). anyhow, so I suggested to Bro BLQ bawa iqa ke Huo Ho Funland di Tutong. lagipun we both inda pernah ke sana.

So siap kami awal dalam pkl 11.30pagi then Hubby BLQ tais liur kan makan Laksa Johor arah Amanah Harith di Jerudong. Again we both inda pernah makan sana. sampai sana, ada lunch buffet..macam nyaman nyawang tah makan buffet. best~~ lapas smbyg jumaat, off we went to Tutong. Fast-forward, sampai kami ke Funland. Pre-entry is $5 tapi since iqa is still a baby so they let her in for free. yaay~ mula2 iqa inda mau main- alum charging nya urg. paksa tah mummynya and babahnya ikut-ikutan. apa lagi, kami pun indulged our "inner child". akhirnya mau jua iqa main and she really had fun.

Di Funland ani macam-macam ada. Ada giant bouncer, tempat main trampouline (lurus kah my spelling), sea of balls, Little Tyke's Houses and cars, swings, jungkat2(wah~ classic sungguh perkataan itu), etc. macam mini JP. biasalah seisi photography pun bermula, yang labih parents iqa lah.. Abis dari Funland, singgah ke Lamunin, rumah Datuk iqa, joining other HM Famz members (Mom-in-law HR, Shaifol & Famz, Liz, Khair, Bobby & Mona) untuk menikmati Hi-Tea ala Kampong style. Menunya: tea "o", tea tarik, cucur pisang and cucur udang perisa tomyam (special blended by Liz Hm herself if i'm not mistaken). nyumz~

so here's the pixs taken. Please view iQaWa FB for more.

Pose wit

Iqa with babah

Iqa with mommy

Behind the glass..

sea of balls...


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